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Hospital Bag Checklist: Second Baby

When it comes to your hospital bag, everyone typically over-packs. I totally did with my first (Joey) and only opened up my bag the last day right before we were leaving. Needless to say, I am keeping it super basic this time and only bringing things I know the baby and I will need!

Here is a checklist I made for myself. I linked everything I could for you! The welcome home outfit is from Lou Lou and Company. They have gorgeous newborn bundles that come with a knot onesie, hat, socks and a swaddle for your babe!

For the baby:

  • Welcome home outfit - for pictures at the hospital and to bring the baby home in!

  • Extra Onsie/pajamas

  • Swaddle

  • Blanket for the car ride home - in case it is cold

  • Portable sound machine - Joe and I last time were looking up white noise on our phones last time so this is a must for us!

  • Name announcement sign

For Me:

  • Comfy PJ's - if you feel like getting out of the hospital garments

  • Nursing Bra

  • Underwear

  • Toiletry/makeup bag

  • Lightweight mirror - if you don't want to get out of bed to take off makeup or do your hair

  • Nipple Shield - The hospital did provide me with one but I will be bringing my own so I am prepared. I used a nipple shield for the first month with Joey so this may be necessary again.

  • Slippers

  • Going home outfit (leggings/sweater/etc.)

  • Phone Charger

I will also be bringing the some of the colostrum I collected for his first feeding and a snack basket for the nurses. I forgot to make one last time and regret it because they were all so amazing in helping me recover.

The hospital will have everything you need for your baby and you can take everything home with you when you are discharged. If you wanted to just bring a going home outfit and a phone charger you would be set!

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